
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Of or relating to Venice, Italy, or its people, language, or culture.
  • noun A native or inhabitant of Venice, Italy.
  • noun The variety of Italian spoken in Venice.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A kind of soft woolen cloth with a closely finished face.
  • Of or pertaining to the city, province, or former republic of Venice, in northern Italy, on the edge of the Adriatic.
  • noun A native of Venice.
  • noun [lowercase] plural A particular fashion of hose or breeches reaching below the knee, originally brought from Venice: same as galligaskins, 1.
  • noun A Venetian blind.
  • noun plural A heavy kind of tape or braid made for Venetian blinds, to hold the slats in place.
  • noun Same as domino, 2.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to Venice in Italy.
  • adjective a blind for windows, doors, etc., made of thin slats, either fixed at a certain angle in the shutter, or movable, and in the latter case so disposed as to overlap each other when closed, and to show a series of open spaces for the admission of air and light when in other positions.
  • adjective an inexpensive carpet, used for passages and stairs, having a woolen warp which conceals the weft; the pattern is therefore commonly made up of simple stripes.
  • adjective a white compact talc or steatite, used for marking on cloth, etc.
  • adjective (Arch.) a door having long, narrow windows or panes of glass on the sides.
  • adjective a kind of glass made by the Venetians, for decorative purposes, by the combination of pieces of glass of different colors fused together and wrought into various ornamental patterns.
  • adjective a brownish red color, prepared from sulphate of iron; -- called also scarlet ocher.
  • adjective See Castile soap, under Soap.
  • adjective (Bot.) a South European tree (Rhus Cotinus) which yields the yellow dyewood called fustet; -- also called smoke tree.
  • adjective (Arch.) a window consisting of a main window with an arched head, having on each side a long and narrow window with a square head.
  • noun A native or inhabitant of Venice.
  • noun obsolete Galligaskins.
  • noun colloq. A Venetian blind.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of, from, or relating to Venice.
  • noun An inhabitant or a resident of Venice and the region of Venezia.
  • proper noun The Romance language spoken mostly in the Veneto region of Italy, sometimes considered to be a dialect of Italian. It should not be confused with Venetic, an extinct Indo-European language once spoken in the same area.
  • proper noun The form of this language spoken in Venice.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a resident of Venice
  • adjective of or relating to or characteristic of Venice or its people


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Medieval Latin Venetiānus, from Venetia, Venice.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Venetia +‎ -an, from Latin Venetia ("Venice").


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  • But he did well enough to allow them to move up to a handsome two-story house in Venetian Isles with a dock on the canal.

    Joseph Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans Steve Hendrix 2010

  • (We know first-hand that The Venetian is having trouble.)

    Net disconnection 2008

  • Gondoliers in Venetian clothing propel the boats, which were used for centuries as the chief means of transportation within Venice, Italy, through the water with a single oar.

    Journey to Amore With a Venetian Gondola Getaway 2007

  • Gondoliers in Venetian clothing propel the boats, which were used for centuries as the chief means of transportation within Venice, Italy, through the water with a single oar.

    Journey to Amore Aboard a Venetian Gondola with Gondola Getaway 2007

  • I always keep an eye out for digital archives that might contain Venetian material.

    Veniceblog: 2005

  • What is it that finally makes Count Volpi participate in Venetian society, if only for one night at the Save Venice ball?

    The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt: Questions 2005

  • I made notes like "men speaking in Venetian dialect", thinking it would be super-useful for authentic period background chatter, only to discover (of course) that there isn't an Italian word in the film, other than "Casanova".

    Veniceblog: 2005

  • I made notes like "men speaking in Venetian dialect", thinking it would be super-useful for authentic period background chatter, only to discover (of course) that there isn't an Italian word in the film, other than "Casanova".

    Helping Casanova 2005

  • I always keep an eye out for digital archives that might contain Venetian material.

    NYPL Digital Archives 2005

  • More important, he heard America singing, and talking, even when he was glamorously expatriated in Venetian palaces, Riviera chateaux, and South Seas luxury hideaways.

    One Swell Party 2004


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