
from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun slang nonsense; foolishness; bunk; -- also used as an interjection.
  • noun informal informal variant of bologna{2}, for bologna sausage.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun countable A type of smoked sausage; bologna.
  • noun uncountable, slang Nonsense.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun pretentious or silly talk or writing


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From the Polari slang word balonie.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Modification of bologna.


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  • But it is certainly a tribute to baloney and, by extension, to the Italian city of Bologna, of which the word baloney is a corruption, that Mr Kennedy found the expression so readily to hand in making his denial.

    In praise of ... Bologna | Editorial 2011

  • This is -- I don't think he used the word baloney, but I think that's as close to it as possible.

    CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2005 2005

  • I turned my head in her direction, liking a challenge, as well as the word baloney (I was hungry), and found myself wishing I had a smart-sounding answer to give.

    Excerpt: Asta in the Wings by Jan Elizabeth Watson 2009

  • It is just as someone printed on here it isRepublicans, Independants printing most of their going to vote for the McCain baloney.

    Campaigns reject Bloomberg, ABC offer for televised town hall 2008

  • PAT LALAMA, INVESTIGATIVE J.URNALIST: It ` s called baloney A.J. I mean look, I have worked with the city attorney ` s office for years.

    CNN Transcript Jan 31, 2007 2007

  • That's why it's baffling that reasonable politicians like U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, and former state Rep. Lorence Wenke, R-Richland, would not only go, but fail to call baloney when they see it. - Local 2009

  • People: Spears calls baloney on gossip by Suzanne Condie Lambert - Dec. 22, 2009 08: 11 AM | news 2009

  • My mom, whose not that much into politics called baloney on them and she said they didn't want to get into an argument with the AA.

    Latest Articles 2008

  • This is just that kind of baloney that finds it's way onto these boards, no?

    Senator says Obama VP search team discussed 20 names 2008

  • The Republican governor launched the attack Monday evening, saying people should take notice of the " baloney " coming from New Jersey ' s senior senator.

    N.J. Lawmakers Spar Over No. 7 Lisa Fleisher 2010


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  • Baloney does not just mean bullshit. It's also the English name of kind of sausage originally from the city of Bologna in Italy. None of the listed definitions mention this but many of your images are incomprehensible if this is not understood.

    This seems like a fun project. I look forward to its evolution!

    June 28, 2009