
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A bushy juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) chiefly of the Mediterranean region that is used in horticulture and whose wood yields juniper tar.
  • adjective Left by its mother and reared by hand.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A domesticated animal; a pet. See cade-lamb.
  • noun A sheep-tick.
  • To bring up or nourish by hand, or with tenderness.
  • noun Juniper.
  • To put into a cade or keg; pack in a cade: as, to cade herring.
  • noun A barrel or cask.
  • noun A measure containing 500 herrings or 1,000 sprats.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A barrel or cask, as of fish.
  • noun A species of juniper (Juniperus Oxycedrus) of Mediterranean countries.
  • noun a thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by destructive distillation of the inner wood of the cade. It is used as a local application in skin diseases.
  • adjective Bred by hand; domesticated; petted.
  • transitive verb obsolete To bring up or nourish by hand, or with tenderness; to coddle; to tame.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective of an animal abandoned by its mother and reared by hand
  • noun a prickly, bushy Mediterranean juniper, Juniperus oxycedrus, whose wood yields a tar.
  • noun archaic A cask or barrel, used in the British Book of Rates for a determinate number of some sort of fish. For example, a cade of herrings was a vessel containing 500 herrings, while a cade of sprats contained 1,000.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English, pet, pet lamb, of unknown origin.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[French, from Provençal, from Old Provençal, from Late Latin catanus, perhaps from a non-Celtic language of pre-Roman Gaul.]


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  • She is so absorbed in William and his words that she has no sense of how comical these constitutionals appear to those who pass them by: William with what De Quincey described as his "cade" - like stride - "a cade being some sort of insect which advances by an oblique motion" - that would edge his companions off the road, Dorothy with what De Quincey called her

    NPR Topics: News 2009

  • I will agree, in a time of mounting deficits and a poor economy, some of the Dems ideas are to expensive to implement at this time and we can all look to Medicare/cade, Social Sec. and Veteran Affairs as examples of govt. poorly running a program with public funds (oh heck, look at our public schools).

    Pawlenty slams Dems on 'reckless' spending 2009

  • The defections are adding to a problem American b-schools have faced for the better part of the past de cade: a shortage of business Ph.D. s to teach the 100,000-plus students who enroll in graduate-level business programs each year.

    Foreign Schools Target U.S. Professors 2010

  • Yes | No | Report from cade wrote 2 years 8 weeks ago

    100 Best Public-Land Hunts: Missouri 2007

  • A sorpresa, la luna cade dal suo trespolo nel mare in burrasca.

    No Fat Clips!!! : Flying Lotus – Infinitum 2009

  • Yes | No | Report from cade wrote 2 years 11 weeks ago

    Is this the Next New World Record Whitetail? 2007

  • A half de cade of prosperity and cheap credit had increased demand for stylized, more luxurious cars.

    ‘Fordlandia’ 2009

  • See you on the Barack-cade ... and in the jail cells, the computer cells, the solar cells, the human cells ....

    Harvey Wasserman: Will Obama-Mania Lead Us to Solartopia? Yes We Will! 2008

  • And I personally prefer the incense and myrrh flavoured soap from the local organic stuff shop and their cade hair shampoo.... been told that my hair smells like forest and asked for the recipe.

    An open letter to the young men in my classes. Angry Professor 2008

  • Sounds right on, actually, except I don't know what cade is and I can't think of fragrances with hibiscus--will google they are probably in my favorite fumes!

    Perfume Review: Neil Morris Dark Earth Marina Geigert 2008


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  • An old name for a cask, sometimes used as a unit of measure for fish. A cade of herring, for example, was 720 fish.

    November 6, 2007