
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A colloid in which the disperse phase has combined with the dispersion medium to produce a semisolid material, such as a jelly.
  • noun A jellylike substance used in styling hair.
  • intransitive verb To become a gel.
  • intransitive verb To apply a gel to (the hair).
  • intransitive verb To take shape or become clear.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A gelatinous or albuminous protoplasmic substance, especially the protoplasm of nerve-cells.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A semi-solid to almost solid colloid of a solid and a liquid, such as jelly, cheese or opal.
  • noun Any gel intended for a particular cosmetic use, such as for styling the hair.
  • verb transitive To apply (cosmetic) gel to (the hair, etc).
  • verb intransitive To become a gel.
  • verb intransitive To develop a rapport.
  • noun UK A girl.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb become a gel
  • verb apply a styling gel to
  • noun a colloid in a more solid form than a sol
  • noun a thin translucent membrane used over stage lights for color effects


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Short for gelatin. V., sense 2, probably influenced by jell.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Coined by Thomas Graham in the mid 19th century as a clipping of gelatin, from French gélatine, from Italian gelatina, diminutive form of gelata ("iced"), from Latin gelata, past participle of gelo ("to freeze"), from gelu ("frost"), from Proto-Indo-European *gel- (“cold”)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Imitative of upper-class British pronunciation of girl.


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  • Licking some blueberry scent gel from the top of the drum, standing at 24 yards was a nice bear.

    Just checking out the new digs. 2009

  • The liquid in the gel is flashed off, leaving a superlight, high-void “frozen air” insulating sock that goes between the inner and outer layers of the bottle.

    Interbike: Camelbak hits the road 2010

  • After numbing gel is placed on the nose a small tube will be guided down the nose and into the jejunum (small bowel) using fluoroscopic (x-ray) guidance.

    Nasojejunal (NJ) Tube 2010

  • Licking some blueberry scent gel from the top of the drum, standing at 24 yards was a nice bear.

    Just checking out the new digs. 2009

  • Nan sits with her awhile before applying the prostaglandin gel to her cervix to get labor started.

    Book Review - The Baby Lottery 2008

  • I don't know, for instance, if one brand or type of gel is better than another, or what one should look for in a gel to be sure it will work.

    Silicone Treatment for Scars aka TBTAM 2008

  • So I brought it back to a boil the next day, added some fruit pectin gel, and hoped that would help.

    Strawberries Are Here!!! Laura 2008

  • So I brought it back to a boil the next day, added some fruit pectin gel, and hoped that would help.

    Archive 2008-06-01 Laura 2008

  • Nan sits with her awhile before applying the prostaglandin gel to her cervix to get labor started.

    Archive 2008-03-01 2008

  • They consist of eight layers and a protein gel, and a grafted polymer with natural starch technology to ensure liquid is drawn away from the skin.

    No Clear Solution to Disposable Diaper Problem 2007


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  • I love using "gel" more as a verb than as a noun - as in, "Once the professor explained more on the topic, the concept began to 'gel' better in my mind." I'm sure many of us are also familiar with how the commmercial for that one company's gel inserts uses it in their tagline "Are you gel'in?"

    January 19, 2007

  • Like a felon. I'm like Magellan I'm so gel'in. Would you like some melon?

    January 19, 2007

  • in cycling, gel is a high sugar syrup pack to provide carbohydrates and electrolytes

    also in cycling, it's built into some bike seats, bike shorts, gloves, and even handlebar tape.

    January 12, 2013

  • Hello My Dear! how are you i am interested to be your good friend can you please send me an mail to my mail box so that i can tell you about me and give you my pic ( )

    i will be waiting you in my mailbox ok.

    January 13, 2013